HORIZON 2020 – Pilastro Sfide della società: bandi 2018-2020 “Sicurezza alimentare, agricoltura sostenibile, ricerca marittima e bioeconomia” (scadenze 2020)


All’inizio di luglio 2019 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato gli aggiornamenti ai programmi di lavoro tematici di Horizon 2020, fornendo indicazioni sui nuovi bandi per progetti di ricerca e innovazione con scadenza nel corso del 2020. Si tratta degli ultimi bandi che vengono lanciati nel quadro di Horizon 2020.

Sulla base degli aggiornamenti del Work Programme 2018-2020 relativo alla Sfida per la Società Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy, vengono di seguito riportate le nuove opportunità legate ai quattro bandi:

  • Bando Blue Growth (H2020-BG-2018-2020)

Il 15/10/2019 vengono aperti i tre topic seguenti. Sarà possibile presentare proposte fino al 22/01/2020 per:

– BG-07-2019-2020: The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative

Vige, invece, una procedura di presentazione delle proposte a 2 fasi con due scadenze, 22/01/2020 (1° fase) e 8/09/2020 (2° fase), per:

– BG-10-2020: Fisheries in the full ecosystem context

– BG-11-2020: Towards a productive, healthy, resilient, sustainable and highly-valued Black Sea

  • Bando Sustainable Food Security (H2020-SFS-2018-2020)

L’apertura di tutti i topic del bando è prevista il 15/10/2019. La scadenza per presentare proposte è fissata al 22/01/2020 per:

– SFS-04-2019-2020: Integrated health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use

– SFS-06-2018-2020: Stepping up integrated pest management

– SFS-28-2018-2019-2020: Genetic resources and pre-breeding communities

Mentre è stabilita una procedura di presentazione delle proposte a 2 fasi con due scadenze, 22/01/2020 (1° fase) e 8/09/2020 (2° fase), per:

– CE-SFS-36-2020: Diversifying revenue in rural Africa through bio-based solutions

– LC-SFS-22-2020: Forest soils Research and Innovation Action

– SFS-01-2018-2019-2020: Biodiversity in action: across farmland and the value chain

– SFS-02-2020: Healthy terrestrial livestock microbial ecosystems for sustainable production

– SFS-05-2018-2019-2020: New and emerging risks to plant health

– SFS-10-2020: Epidemiology of non-EU-regulated contagious animal diseases: from integrated data collection to prioritization

– SFS-13-2020: Genome and epigenome enabled breeding in terrestrial livestock

– SFS-21-2020: Emerging challenges for soil management

– SFS-30-2018-2019-2020: Agri-Aqua Labs

– SFS-35-2019-2020: Sustainable Intensification in Africa

– SFS-40-2020: Healthy soils for healthy food production

  • Bando Food and Natural Resources (H2020-FNR-2020)

Tutti i topic del bando vengono aperti il 15/10/2019. Le proposte possono essere presentate fino al 22/01/2020 per i seguenti:

– CE-FNR-07-2020: FOOD 2030 – Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation

– CE-FNR-09-2020: Pilot action for the removal of marine plastics and litter

– CE-FNR-14-2020: Innovative textiles – reinventing fashion

– CE-FNR-15-2020: A network of European bioeconomy clusters to advance bio-based solutions in the primary production sector

– CE-FNR-17-2020: Pilot circular bio-based cities – sustainable production of bio-based products from urban biowaste and wastewater

– FNR-01-2020: Strengthening the European agro-ecological research and innovation ecosystem

– FNR-02-2020: Developing long-term monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the Common Agricultural Policy

– FNR-03-2020: A comprehensive vision for urban agriculture

– FNR-04-2020: Towards a European research and innovation roadmap on soils and land management

– FNR-08-2020: Supporting the food safety systems of the future

– FNR-10-2020: Public engagement for the Bioeconomy

– FNR-18-2020: Sustainability of bio-based products – international governance aspects and market update

– LC-FNR-06-2020: Defossilising agriculture – solutions and pathways for fossil-energy-free farming

Vige, invece, una procedura di presentazione delle proposte a 2 fasi con due scadenze, 22/01/2020 (1° fase) e 8/09/2020 (2° fase), per i topic:

– FNR-05-2020: Husbandry for quality and sustainability

– FNR-11-2020: Prospecting aquatic and terrestrial natural biological resources for biologically active compounds

– FNR-12-2020: Industrial microbiomes – learning from nature

– FNR-16-2020: Enzymes for more environment-friendly consumer products

– LC-FNR-13-2020: Bio-based industries leading the way in turning carbon dioxide emissions into chemicals

  • Bando Rural Renaissance (H2020-RUR-2018-2020)

Dal 15/10/2019 vengono aperti anche i topic seguenti. Le proposte possono essere presentate fino al 22/01/2020 per:

– CE-RUR-08-2018-2019-2020 (IA): Closing nutrient cycles

– RUR-05-2020: Connecting consumers and producers in innovative agri-food supply chains

– RUR-06-2020: Innovative agri-food value chains: boosting sustainability-oriented competitiveness

– RUR-07-2020: Reducing food losses and waste along the agri-food value chain

– RUR-15-2018-2019-2020: Thematic networks compiling knowledge ready for practice

Mentre è stabilita una procedura di presentazione delle proposte a 2 fasi con due scadenze, 22/01/2020 (1° fase) e 8/09/2020 (2° fase), per:

– CE-RUR-08-2018-2019-2020 (RIA): Closing nutrient cycles

– LC-RUR-11-2019-2020: Sustainable wood value chains

– RUR-21-2020: Agricultural markets and international trade in the context of sustainability objectives