Fuel Cells and Hydrogen JU: disponibili 93 milioni di euro per 24 topic del nuovo bando 2020


La Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) ha ufficialmente pubblicato il nuovo bando 2020.
La Call include 24 topic, indicati di seguito:
FCH-01-1-2020: Development of hydrogen tanks for electric vehicle architectures
FCH-01-2-2020: Durability-Lifetime of stacks for Heavy Duty trucks
FCH-01-3-2020: Liquid Hydrogen on-board storage tanks
FCH-01-4-2020: Standard Sized FC module for Heavy Duty applications
FCH-01-5-2020: Demonstration of FC Coaches for regional passenger transport
FCH-01-6-2020: Demonstration of liquid hydrogen as a fuel for segments of the waterborne sector
FCH-01-7-2020: Extending the use cases for FC trains through innovative designs and streamlined administrative framework
FCH-01-8-2020: Scale-up and demonstration of innovative hydrogen compressor technology for full-scale hydrogen refuelling station
FCH-02-1-2020: Catalyst development for improved economic viability of LOHC technology
FCH-02-2-2020: Highly efficient hydrogen production using solid oxide electrolysis integrated with renewable heat and power
FCH-02-3-2020: Diagnostics and Control of SOE
FCH-02-4-2020: Flexi-fuel stationary SOFC
FCH-02-5-2020: Underground storage of renewable hydrogen in depleted gas fields and other geological stores
FCH-02-6-2020: Electrolyser module for offshore production of renewable hydrogen
FCH-02-7-2020: Cyclic testing of renewable hydrogen storage in a small salt cavern
FCH-02-8-2020: Demonstration of large-scale co-electrolysis for the Industrial Power-to-X market
FCH-02-9-2020: Fuel cell for prime power in data-centres
FCH-03-1-2020: HT proton conducting ceramic materials for highly efficient and flexible operation
FCH-03-2-2020: Decarbonising islands using renewable energies and hydrogen – H2 Islands
FCH-04-1-2020: Overcoming technical and administrative barriers to deployment of multi-fuel hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS)
FCH-04-2-2020: PNR on hydrogen-based fuels solutions for passenger ships
FCH-04-3-2020: Development of eco-design guidelines for FCH products
FCH-04-4-2020: Development and validation of existing and novel recycling technologies for key FCH products
FCH-04-5-2020: Guidelines for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) of fuel cell and hydrogen systems
Il termine per presentare progetti per tutti i topic è il 21 aprile 2020.
Maggiori dettagli sul Funding & Tenders Portal e nel Work Programme.
Cos’è la FCH 2 JU
La Fuel Cell and Hydrogen 2 è un partenariato pubblico-privato costituito nell’ambito di Horizon 2020 che ha l’obiettivo di sostenere le attività di ricerca, sviluppo tecnologico e dimostrazione nelle tecnologie delle celle a combustibile e dell’energia a idrogeno in Europa, al fine di accelerare l’introduzione sul mercato di queste tecnologie, realizzando il loro potenziale come strumento per realizzare un sistema di energia pulita.
Le celle a combustibile, come tecnologia di conversione efficiente, e l’idrogeno, come vettore di energia pulita, hanno un grande potenziale per aiutare a combattere le emissioni di anidride carbonica, ridurre la dipendenza da idrocarburi e contribuire alla crescita economica.
I tre membri della Fuel Cell and Hydrogen 2 sono la Commissione europea, le industrie di celle a combustibile e idrogeno rappresentate da Hydrogen Europe e la comunità di ricerca rappresentata da Hydrogen Europe Research.